I am a therapist. I was trained as a therapist. I have owned and operated my own private practice for ~30 years. Since I own my own private practice, I’m also a small business owner, but no matter what I am still a therapist first and foremost.
As a therapist, I also know, firsthand, how important therapy is. I’ve seen therapists. Most of the therapists I know have seen therapists. Many of the therapists that follow our Facebook page are also seeing therapists of their own.
We know.
We know how stressful and difficult it can be to navigate life on our own. We know how valuable therapy can be. Even though we work in the field of mental health and are familiar with therapy options, we still benefit from working with someone that can help us get perspective, share, and more.
Which is why I want to address a concern that I often receive from therapists looking to start their practice:
“Why pay a private practice coach to help me start the practice? Why not just do it myself?”
Now, I don’t want to make it seem as though I’m saying this just to get your business. While I do want us to work together, the reason I bring this up is because it addresses something that I think is very important in the process of starting your practice: changing your mindset about what you are, and what you need to reach your dreams and goals.
As therapists, we know that if we’re struggling with depression (for example), we need a therapist to help us address that depression. We know that working with a therapist is helpful. We are willing to pay for that help.
Why then, when starting a private practice – which is a business – so many of us feel so hesitant to work with a business coach and business owner? Why do so many people feel uncomfortable to ask for that help?
I’m bringing this up because I think it speaks to the heart of many people’s fears, and also something that can hold you back: you’re used to thinking like a therapist, because you *know* how to be a therapist.
But now, to launch your practice you need to think like a business owner. You also need help *from* a business owner – someone that can guide you, mentor you, help you think about things you may not otherwise have thought about, and so much more.
Just as you would choose a therapist for your mental health, working with a private practice business coach (PsychFusion, for example!) can help you with your business’s health. Because we’re also owned and operate by therapists that own private practices, you’re getting – in some ways – the best of both worlds.
Yes, I would like to work with you. I hope we can work together soon, if not now (here’s the link if you’re ready to reach out!). But also, I want you to understand that soon, you won’t just be a therapist anymore. You’ll be a small business owner. I’m here to help you with the business side of things, but it’s also so important for you to embrace the label, because that’s what’s going to help you prepare yourself for the fulfilling road ahead.